武道は、古来から継承された日本の哲学です。「武士道」を「武道」とし拳法会の歴史や訓え各武道界の先生の教えを学びましょう。It is Japanese culture, and Budo is philosophy. Kenpo Kai regards Bushido as Budo. Let's learn the history and a heart(Kokoro).
現代に通じるもの!TV Jun-仁!
サムライたちスペインにわたる。(NHKテレビから) 現代へのヒント!
今に通じる日本人のバイタリティー! 実行する事の大切さ!!
Samurais went to Spain 400 years ago. In Tohoku district Sendai, Japan, people more than 5,000 died for an earthquake and a tsunami.
Their purpose is for revival. Therefore, the port which They made became the outport to the all over Japan of rice. And Sendai revived from the damage of the tsunami.
Samurais went to Spain 400 years ago. In Tohoku district Sendai, Japan, people more than 5,000 died for an earthquake and a tsunami.
Their purpose is for revival. Therefore, the port which They made became the outport to the all over Japan of rice. And Sendai revived from the damage of the tsunami.
2013 A Happy New year. 新年あけましておめでとうございます。 2013年の目標は「新」としました。
「新」Shin 「心を新たにし事に望む」「新しき事を創造する」 2013年は、今あることを感謝し新しき事に挑戦しましょう。A aim of 2013 is 新Shin(New). We Kenpo Kai thanks for the present. We value it. We have many meanings with 新Shin. Challenge a new thing. Make the new world. Make a new technique. Make a new friend.etc Let's find happiness with world people.
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