

For 武道家Budoka (Samurai), courtesy and greetings are very important. Greetings and gratitude do not mean enslavement. Words have a soul(言霊Kotodama). Giving the Kotodama makes people happy. Not a simple greeting. It has a deep meaning. So don't send bad words. 挨拶Rei・礼徳Reitoku The society of Kenpokai teaches that it is essencial to greet in a way as it is a spritual offering. The exchange of the greeting that brings good luck between eavh other at every daily occation is a matter of great importance. Let us bring good luck and happiness by the exchange of the greetings. [ Shikishamano yamatono kuniwa 言霊(kotodama)no haskihafu kunizo sakikuaritozo「志貴島の大和(日本)の国は言霊(事靈)の佑(さき)はふ國ぞ福(さき)くありとぞ」I wish you bon voyage with these words . ] ( Japan is the country where the happiness is brought by the power of words ) { Quotation from 万葉集(Manyoushu): This poem was saying good-bye to someone at the port }   Let's exchange the greetings & Ous. Please, Congratulations , Good morning Etc., 武道は礼に始まり礼に終わる。礼は感謝の心を形に表したものでなければならない。Budo starts with rei and ends with rei . Rei must be the form of the courtesy showing the gratitude .