



 ニュージーランドでは、インクルーシブ教育の推進にあたって、子どもの権利に配慮した取り組みが多くみられる。学校だけでなく保育施設も、その認可基準として、障害を理由に入園を断ることが認められていない。教育省の地方事務所の学習支援チームが、子どもが活動に参加できるような環境整備を行う。病気療養児には、学籍はもとの学校に置いたまま、ヘルススクール(病気療養をする子どもに教員を派遣する機関)から入院先へスタッフが出向く。支援の質についても、国の教育評価局がすべての保育施設・学校を定期的に調査していることに加え、国が教員等に対して、国内外の研究74 JRIレビュー   2022 Vol.6, No.101ニュージーランドのインクルーシブ教育とわが国への示唆成果なども踏まえて様々な情報提供を行っている。

2025年の論文テーマ「武士道と騎士道」 要 点


  • 勇気、武勇COURAGE
  • 正直さ、高潔さ(HONESTY
  • 誠実、忠誠心(LOYALTY
  • 寛大さ、気前よさ、博愛精神(CHARITY
  • 信念、信仰(FAITH
  • 礼節正しさ(COURTESY

 Differences between Bushido and Chivalry (from the Internet)

- Chivalry is about constant training, protecting the weak, honesty, and loyalty to God.

- Bushido emphasized absolute loyalty to the lord, and called for sacrifice, courtesy, frugality, thrift, and Budo spirit.





混迷する武道!Budo in confusion!Dan(Rank) and Soke(Head of the family).

   混迷する武道 段位







            世界拳法会連盟 会長 大橋千秋

Shiina Kazue, the seventh head of Hokushin Itto-ryu, pointed out that now foreigners are claiming to be the head of Hokushin Itto-ryu. Sekizu Sensei, a karate practitioner, lamented that elementary school students are given the first dan rank as black belts. He also said that people make their own schools, call themselves heads of schools, and make money by giving out ranks. The rank system was originally invented by Ohashi Sokei (1555-1634) about 390 years ago. This rank system was passed down to kobudo, where titles such as "mokuroku," "shinan menkyo," and "inka" were given out. In terms of judo, the Kodokan gave out ranks such as first dan and second dan, and the Dai Nippon Butokukai gave out titles such as renshi, kyoshi, and hanshi. However, after the war, the Dai Nippon Butokukai was dissolved by GHQGeneral Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in 1946, and judo was only carried out by the Kodokan, and the titles disappeared. The All Japan Kendo Federation, which was later revived, inherited the title.

Originally, there were no schools or factions of karate, and it was not the activity of samurai, but from around 1950, people began to create their own schools and factions with the aim of organization, and Mas Oyama (Korea) expanded the organization, calling it Full Contact Karate, but it has now split up into many factions. Korean Taekwondo (Taekwondo) was also organized, became an Olympic game, and the rank system was commercialized. The only reason for this confusion can be attributed to the dissolution of Dai Nippon Butoku Kai, the headquarters of Budo, by GHQ and the distortions caused by the policy of dumbing down the people.

           Ohashi Chiaki, President of World Kenpo Kai